October 18, 2024

Corner Manor Leura

Tech For A Smarter Planet

Easy Bake Oven’s Cold Competition

Easy Bake Oven’s Cold Competition

Oh my goodness !!! You are never going to believe what I saw in the toy store the other day. Last week, I went to KB Toy Stores because I was strolling through the Mall. As I approached KB toy stores, I saw a new gadget through the window. ” Hmm, whats this”, I asked myself. I approached this ” thing” and upon closer inspection I discovered what it was: An Oven.

Its an Oven little kids can use to bake goods. And its Pink. Hmm, doesn’t this sound familiar?? Doesn’t this sound like the Easy Bake Oven??

Here’s the difference : This oven , the Disney Princess Cool Bake Magic Oven, uses COOL air to bake the goods. That’s right, its not a misprint, it uses COOL air , ice cubes to be exact, to cook the goods. So you mix the baking mix, put it in a tray, put your ice cube in the tray below and wait for the cold air to cook your cookie. So instead of getting a hot pie, you get a cool pie. Isn’t this interesting?? I wonder what the pie / cookie tastes like. I’m going to try it. How many of you really think that the cool air cookie will taste better than the hot air cookie??? I don’t think it will taste good, do you??

Do you think Hasbro knows about this copycat invention?? Well, I guess its not really copycat because the technology is different: cool air versus hot air.

The good thing about this Disney Princess Cool Bake Magic Oven is that no one will be able to say that they burned themselves. But yet, can’t a kid choke on an ice cube. Cant a kid get ice burn? Can’t a kid mistakenly smash their finger in the tray that holds the ice? Seems like this toy can be as equally dangerous as Hasbro’s Easy Bake Oven that uses heat, right???

At the end of the day, parents are responsible for the toys thy buy. Any thing can be dangerous, that’s why supervision is needed. Don’t buy a toy for your kids if you don’t have time to supervise them. If you want to buy your kid a toy that does not require supervision, buy them one of those big plastic balls, and hopefully it wont have lead paint on it.